Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We are home

I am sorry for not writing the last couple of days it was a very busy couple of days. We were at the youth retreat which went very well and many af the kids grew closer to God because of it. We held the retreat at a beautiful ranch that had a large pool which the kids loved the problem was the pool was 4 1/2 foot deep so for these kids who don't know how to swim it was over their heads, so we would carry them on our backs back and forth in the pool, some people tried to teach them to swim and it was fun. We built a cross with them and talked about Jesus sacrifice which was effective. All in all the retreat was a success. The night we got back the foundation ladies took us out on a chivas bus which was an old bus that was turned into a double decker. some of us were on top and some were in the bus. When we first started driving around town, we stopped and hired a band to play music in the bus for us so for the next hour we had live music on a home made double decker bus. As we drove around town the driver would intentionally drive under low branches, and make the people on top duck. The next day was Sunday and we went out to one Maru's ranch (she is one of the ladies)and had a relaxing day and eating alot, a whole lot of food. Then Monday was the last day at EnJambre we went and had VBS which went very well (all of this years VBS was well done) and we ended it by talking about how Jesus wants to be a part of their lives to all the children and and many adults. We pray that what we did effects their lives as much as the effect ours. It is amazing to me how much you can love people that you just met for one week, but when you take the opportunity to love someone you will be blessed by that. I am always amazed that no matter what great plans we make the most important and effective tool in ministry is showing Gods love. I think we all feel blessed to be a part of what God did on this trip and what he will continue to do because a small town in Kansas is faithful to do his work.
God Bless,

Friday, July 9, 2010

Dias quatro

Last day this week to be at EnJambre and it went well we have been having around 120 kids and the way we are doing the VBS this year seems to be the most effective way that I have seen on mission trips. We did get the opportunity to do some work today using chisel and hammer and if you were here or heard about last year you may know what means. Now we are getting ready to go to the youth retreat where we are taking 16 of the early teenagers to a nice ranch around town. For some in may be the first time they have slept on a bed. Please be praying for God to work in their lives. A good Christian presence is needed among the younger kids in EnJambre.
God Bless,
Good morning everyone, my arm is doing better went to the doctor got a shot and some pills feels much better, slept great and in an awesome mood wont have to fake it so much. I tore either a ligament or a muscle in my shoulder (i thought it was probably a compound fracture on my shoulder after getting attacked at the gator farm and run over by about 100 moto taxis) God is great, pray for us we take 16 youth on a overnight retreat to a ranch with a swimming pool. These kids have never been on anything like this. Pray that God be there with us and that the message of salvation is brought to them. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010



Boys with my hat

Preparing for skit

Jeremy and Lexie


Doug and Orlando

Getting prayer for my arm, thank you

Elderly bible study

Elderly bible study

Busy Day number 3 in EnJambre

Today was another good day of VBS we had more children today than the days before. The first thing we did in EnJambre was we had a service for the elderly in the area which was one of the best services I have been apart of this trip. It was great to see them celebrating there relationship with Jesus. Then we went through VBS which went very well. After Today all the men except Justin have had there hair cut by the ladies in EnJambre which is part of a program teaching girls to earn money themselves. Then we headed back home and lead a ladies group prayer and bible study. Then we went and finished the day with ice cream and pizza. I am blessed to have given three seperate lessons today. I pray that God takes the words that we share while we are here and help people to know Jesus more.
God Bless,

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Jeremy getting a haircut

Robin getting her nails done

Dennis and Caty teaching a lesson


Lexie enjoying time with kids

Justin cutting boards

Carlos with his 2 favorites Pollo and futbol

Day number two

VBS went well today we had 108 at the end we pray that God will work in each of the kids and they will know him more. Some of us had the opportunity to go and pray for an older couple who the husband of the couple they dont know how much longer he will live. He said that he always has Joy when people come and pray for him, and we felt blessed to pray for a man who was in love with Jesus. We built roof extensions on the porch today, and the guys from there started on the staircase today. It was a good day, the weather this week has been great compared to years past. I don't think we have broken 100 degrees yet so it has been nice. I feel like God is using us for his work and I am blessed to be a part of it. If you would like you can be praying for Dennis who's shoulder has been hurting this whole trip. Also pray for Caty who has had a rash on her neck and a voice being overused.
We Always Appriciate your prayers.
God Bless,

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Colombia 1st VBS day

Shane and Dennis doing a skit

Another skit picture

Andrea, Justin and Jeremy doing games

Oh look the kids taught Bereniz how to cut

3 kids coloring

Caty and Steve teaching the lesson

Doug and Andrea doing music
Hello everyone these are pictures from day 1 of vbs. things are really going good, Shane posted info about our upcoming work projects. VBS was wild and hectic today but we survived and we know it will be better tomorrow. Thank you to all of you who are praying for us.

Another good day

We just finished our first work day in EnJambre and it went well we had around 100 kids for VBS, which was a blessing. We started a little rough because it was tough to keep the kids in control. They calmed down and it went very well it was a blessing to see all the kids learning about God. We will start building the staircase in the building tomorrow. It was great to go and love the children today.
we walked around saw some of there homes today it is amazing to see the condition that they live in. We have a tough time comprehending the type of life they live.
If you would like to pray for us that tomorrow we will keep the kids under control.
More important than that is to pray that they will recieve the word of God and except Jesus as their savior.
God Bless,

Monday, July 5, 2010


Ah how cute

Caty and another son

Jeremy and lina and cindy

Quite a group

Waiting outside Monteria airport

Great trip

Well we had a wonderful time at the beach it was fun and relaxing and the food was amazing. We couldn't go to EnJambre today because it was a Holiday it was a celebration of Peter and Paul the Saints not the Beetles. I think I speak for all of us when I say we can't wait for tues. when we get to go to Minister to the people of EnJambre. The relaxing is fun but the reason we came is to serve the people so we are ready to get started.
thank you for your prayers
God Bless,

Saturday, July 3, 2010

we are here

we have been here all day and it has been wonderful we are all staying at the same house down town this year. That is great for the group meeting together but the problem is we have no WiFi so we are going to have to search for places each day that we can get on-line. Our reception from the people here has been amazing visited EnJambre today and the building looks great and it was great to see the children. Tomorrow they are taking us to the beach. We are looking forward to that but we are also looking forward to getting started with our work in EnJambre. We feel blessed to be here. We hope you will pray with us.
thanks, God Bless,

we are here

Friday, July 2, 2010

And They're Off!!!

Hello Everyone, this is Randi. Shane was not able to get online this evening so he asked me to tell you about today's adventures.

First, I have to go back a couple of days. One of the members of the Colombia team, Andrea Holguin, was in a terrible car accident on her way home from El Paso the day before the trip. Her car was totaled, but praise God, she and everyone in her car was fine. She barely made it back in time to go on the mission trip...but we were able to stop by her house in Fowler to pick her up, then drop her off at her house in Haviland (where she attends Barclay College) to get the rest of her things.

We left Fowler at 1:00, then left Haviland at about 2:30. This still gave us plenty of time to be at the airport by 4:30 for a 5:55pm departure. As you know, Hurricane Alex has been causing some trouble in the gulf. When we arrived at the airport at 4:30 we discovered the 5:55 flight, as well as every other flight to Houston, had been canceled. The team began to wonder what they would do in Wichita with 100 lbs of luggage and no where to go. As Dennis talked to the people at the ticket counter, they found there was ONE more flight to Houston that had been delayed since 10am. It was ready to leave at 5:00 (it was 4:45 by this time) and there were 12 seats left!! The 11 members of our team checked in at record speed, chose one of their two check in bags to keep (this small plane did not have enough room for all the luggage) and they RAN to the gate. They all made it on the last plane to Houston.

It is amazing how God worked everything out perfectly. Unfortunately we have 10 bags of donations that will need to be donated elsewhere, but the team is on it's way. Thank you for praying, and please continue to do so. It seems that the devil is throwing darts at this mission team left and right, but it hasn't stopped them yet. I pray that God's will be done and that His Kingdom will grow in the next 10 days!!


Preparing to Leave

Yahoooooooo, its time to get the final packing done, time to head to the Church to load my stuff and everyone elses junk!!!! I think we will have 7-8 hugh bags of donated clothes that we are taking, THANK YOU everyone who dontaed these will be going to a great cause. Please be praying for our trip. We fly out of Wichita tonight at 6 through Houston then at midnight we fly all night to Bogota, change planes and will be in Monteria by 9 am sat. Cant wait we will see all our friends and especially the kids in EnJambre by 2 pm tomorrow afternoon. Please be praying for Andrea as Shane posted earlier.

Thanks Dennis

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pre trip prayer

One of the members of our trip (Andrea) was in a car accident she is fine but the accident totaled her car. She is now going to have to decide whether she can go on the trip to Colombia. please be praying for her wisdom in this decision. We would love to have her go because she is very familiar with the area because she spent a whole summer there, and she also serves as one of our interpeters. We'll let you know how it turns out.
God Bless,